People with a gift for serving up delicious-but healthful-dishes say it's important to present food that tastes good, is made with natural ingredients and is good for you. Fortunately, that doesn't have to mean skipping many classic recipes. These tips may help:
Portion Size
You can help control weight gain by being wary of portion size. If you're serving meat, for instance, nutritionists say not to give a portion that's larger than a deck of cards. Fill the empty space on plates (and in stomachs) with veggies and whole grains.
Something On The Side
Try serving a healthful vegetable soup and a side salad before dinner. That way, people can fill up on veggies, instead of less nutritious foods. Also, if you're trying to eat a little less, remember that our bodies often mistake thirst for hunger. So before you dig into dessert, try having a big glass of water and waiting a few minutes. You may turn out to be less hungry than you thought.
Cooking Tips
Something as simple as switching to nonstick oil sprays can make a difference in how healthy a meal is. The spray can be used in a variety of ways including: adding light flavor when grilling sandwiches, making popcorn, holding seasonings in place on meats and vegetables, sauteing, pan searing seafood and chicken, flipping pancakes and browning foods in the microwave.